by Rita Kim, Class of 2018

I have just finished one semester in the GMBA program in Taiwan. I was excited about coming here to pursue something new in my life, but honestly, I was also worried and afraid. My life in Korea was stable and comfortable. Of course, there were times when I was a bit bored with the same repetitive daily routine, but, it was the everyday life of ordinary people and I was satisfied.

After hitting my thirties, I suddenly wondered if I was truly happy and decided that I needed to take some time to figure out my path in life. I believed that I could come to better understand myself during this time. I had heard that many Westerners take a “gap year” after they graduate from high school to take time to think about their future. This “gap year” gave them time to reflect on their career options, relationships, and life goals before entering college. However, in Asian cultures, especially Korea, people do not take time for
self-discovery. We are expected to immediately enter college after high school and then enter the workforce as soon as we graduate. I have found that, like me, more and more Korean people want to take time off to reflect on their past and create a plan for a better future.

Before I decided to take a break, my life and work were filled with fierce competition. When I decided to quit my job and take a short break, I thought I should find something to improve myself rather than just resting. I thought selfdevelopment was important and I wanted to learn
something new. The GMBA program, although not related to my field of study (education), would be very useful for me in the future.

The first semester was challenging and rewarding. Through various required courses and electives, I learned many important theoretical foundations and practices for business. As I would like to enter into business after graduation, it is especially important for me to learn staff management skills. I think the most important aspect of business is human resources. I found the Organizational Behavior class very useful last semester, in that it taught me how to become a more effective manager.

The old saying “It’s better late than never” is definitely true. I was hesitant to study again due to my age, but when I started my journey here at GMBA, I realized age is only a number. I will let nothing stand in my way. The only obstacle in the way of my success is me, not others. It all depends on how I view the situation and everything else is up to me. I have greatly enjoyed my precious gap year here in Taiwan and have come to find out a little more about myself.


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